How to Shut Down an Aging Loved One’s Social Media Account After They Pass

By Roz Jones

Losing a loved one is never easy, and in today’s digital age, there’s a new layer of complexity to deal with—managing their social media accounts. As caregivers for aging loved ones, this responsibility might fall on your shoulders. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of respectfully and efficiently shutting down social media accounts on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn after your loved one has passed.


Step 1: Access their account. If you know their login details, log in to their Facebook account.

Step 2: Click the down arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings & Privacy.”

Step 3: Under “Settings,” choose “Memorialization Settings.”

Step 4: Click “Request memorialization of the account” and follow the on-screen instructions. You may need to provide proof of their passing.

Step 5: Facebook will review your request and, once approved, the account will be memorialized. Friends and family can still view and interact with existing content, but new friend requests will be disabled.


Step 1: Log in to your loved one’s Instagram account if you have access.

Step 2: Go to their profile.

Step 3: Click the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, then choose “Settings.”

Step 4: Scroll down and select “Privacy.”

Step 5: Under “Account,” choose “Request Verification.”

Step 6: Follow the on-screen instructions, including providing proof of their passing.

Step 7: Instagram will review your request and may memorialize the account or remove it, depending on their policies.


Step 1: Log in to your loved one’s Twitter account if you have access.

Step 2: Click the three horizontal lines in the top left corner and select “Settings and Privacy.”

Step 3: Choose “Account.”

Step 4: Scroll down and select “Deactivate your account.”

Step 5: Follow the on-screen instructions to deactivate the account.

Note: If you don’t have access to the account, you can contact Twitter’s support and request an account deactivation on behalf of a deceased family member.


Step 1: Log in to your loved one’s LinkedIn account if you have access.

Step 2: Click “Me” in the top right corner.

Step 3: Choose “Settings & Privacy.”

Step 4: Scroll down and select “Account preferences.”

Step 5: Under “Closing your LinkedIn account,” click “Closing your account.”

Step 6: Follow the on-screen instructions to close the account.

Note: If you don’t have access, you can contact LinkedIn’s support and request account closure for a deceased member.

Managing a loved one’s digital presence after their passing is a delicate but necessary task. It’s important to respect their online legacy and privacy. Each platform has its policies for handling accounts of deceased users, and following their procedures can help ensure a smooth process. Remember to gather any necessary documentation, such as a death certificate, before initiating the account closure process. While it might be a challenging process, it’s an essential part of saying goodbye in the digital age.

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Download Your Free Expert Storm Guide Now!


As we know, June – November is Hurricane Season. As a family caregiver, there are many ways to prepare your loved ones for it. Early preparation helps reduce opportunities for stress and anxiety as storms approach.

One of the best ways to prepare is allowing your loved on to assist in packing their travel bag, checking their contact list and ensuring there are adequate emergency supplies.

Participation… not isolation… go a long way when preparing for major storms. This Seniors Storm Guide gives essential information to refer to again and again!

Stay Connected!

Your Roadmap to Securing Your Digital Legacy

By Roz Jones

In this blog, we are discussing the world of safeguarding and preserving the digital footprints of your aging loved ones. Think of it as a roadmap for ensuring that  their online presence remains accessible and meaningful long after they’re no longer with us. So let’s explore how you can be the guardian of their digital legacy and create a seamless transition for their virtual lives.

Why Digital Legacy Matters:

In our fast-paced digital world, our online presence is a reflection of who we are. It’s where we store precious memories, communicate with loved ones, and even manage essential documents. But what happens to all of this when your aging loved ones can no longer manage it themselves? That’s where digital legacy planning comes into play.

Creating a Digital Estate Plan:

  • Inventory Digital Assets: Start by identifying and documenting all digital assets – from email and social media accounts to cloud storage and online subscriptions. This is your roadmap to your loved one’s online presence.
  • Appoint a Digital Executor: Just like a will designates an executor for tangible assets, a digital estate plan should appoint someone to manage digital assets. This can be you, another family member, or a trusted friend.
  • Organize Passwords and Access: Your loved one may have numerous accounts with different passwords. Ensure that all passwords and access information are securely stored and can be retrieved when needed.
  • Specify Wishes: Your loved one’s digital legacy may include personal messages, photos, and more. Clearly outline their wishes for these assets – whether they should be preserved, shared, or deleted.
  • Update Privacy Settings: Be aware of the privacy settings on social media and other accounts. Decide how you want these to be managed after your loved one’s passing.
  • Regularly Review and Update: Just as life evolves, digital assets change over time. Regularly review and update the digital estate plan to reflect these changes.

Preserving Memories:

One beautiful aspect of digital legacy planning is the preservation of memories. From heartfelt emails and personal blogs to treasured photos, these digital artifacts can be a source of comfort and connection for years to come. By protecting them, you ensure that your loved one’s presence continues to be felt, even after they’re no longer with us.

Why It Matters for Caregivers:

As a caregiver, you’re not just responsible for the well-being of your aging loved one; you’re also their guardian of legacy. Your role extends beyond the physical realm into the digital one, and preserving this aspect of their life is a profound act of love and respect.

Planning for your loved one’s digital legacy is an act of foresight and care. It ensures that their online presence is treated with the same respect and attention as their physical possessions. Let’s make sure their cherished memories continue to shine brightly for generations to come. Digital legacy planning is a way to honor their lives and the mark they’ve left on this world. So, caregivers, let’s embark on this meaningful journey together and secure the digital future of those we hold dear.

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Download Your Free Expert Storm Guide Now!


As we know, June – November is Hurricane Season. As a family caregiver, there are many ways to prepare your loved ones for it. Early preparation helps reduce opportunities for stress and anxiety as storms approach.

One of the best ways to prepare is allowing your loved on to assist in packing their travel bag, checking their contact list and ensuring there are adequate emergency supplies.

Participation… not isolation… go a long way when preparing for major storms. This Seniors Storm Guide gives essential information to refer to again and again!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again, as we believe buying online should always be fun!

The Rising Cost of Senior Care

As our population ages, the financial burden of senior care is becoming increasingly challenging. 

Join us as we delve into the complexities of this issue. Don’t miss this important episode!

Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

Why Your Caregiving Skills are Transferable to Your 9-5

By Roz Jones

I want to take a moment to celebrate each and every one of you who has chosen the selfless path of caregiving for your aging loved ones. Your journey is not only an act of profound love but also a masterclass in acquiring skills that are not only valuable but highly transferable to a 9-5 job. Yes, you heard that right! The compassion, resilience, and resourcefulness you’ve cultivated as a caregiver are assets that can benefit you in the professional world.

Empathy and Active Listening

Caregivers are masters of empathy and active listening. You’ve honed your ability to understand and respond to your loved one’s needs and emotions, often without them saying a word. In the corporate world, empathy is a highly sought-after skill. Whether you’re in customer service, management, or a team leader, understanding the needs and concerns of your colleagues or clients is crucial for building trust and rapport. Your caregiving experience equips you with the ability to connect with people on a deeper level and truly listen to what they’re saying.

Time Management and Organizational Skills

As caregivers, you’re no strangers to juggling multiple responsibilities and managing complex schedules. From doctor’s appointments to medication management, you’ve become skilled at prioritizing tasks and ensuring everything runs smoothly. These time management and organizational skills are a perfect fit for the fast-paced 9-5 world. In any job, staying organized and efficiently managing your time is key to productivity and success.

Problem Solving and Adaptability

Caregivers encounter unexpected challenges daily and have to adapt to ever-changing situations. Your ability to think on your feet and find creative solutions to problems is an invaluable skill that transcends caregiving. In the professional world, problem-solving and adaptability are essential. Employers value employees who can navigate unexpected issues and turn them into opportunities for growth.

Stress Management

The world of caregiving can be incredibly stressful, but you’ve developed effective stress management techniques that are transferable to the workplace. The ability to stay calm under pressure and maintain focus is highly regarded in any job. Your caregiving experience has provided you with a strong foundation for handling workplace stress with grace and composure.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Caregiving often involves working closely with a team of healthcare professionals, family members, and support groups. This experience fosters a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration. In the 9-5 setting, teamwork is a cornerstone of success. The ability to work harmoniously with colleagues, share ideas, and contribute to a collective goal is a skill that can advance your career.

Communication Skills

Your caregiving journey has sharpened your communication skills, from explaining complex medical information to empathetic conversations with your loved ones. Effective communication is a skill that’s universally beneficial in any profession. It enables you to convey ideas clearly, listen actively, and foster positive relationships with coworkers and clients.

As a caregiver, you’ve already cultivated these skills in the most demanding and rewarding circumstances. It’s time to recognize the incredible value of your caregiving experience and how it can empower you in the professional world. So, caregivers, don’t underestimate the skills you’ve gained along your caregiving journey. They are not only transferrable but highly desirable in the 9-5 job market.

Your dedication, resilience, and compassion are not limited to caregiving; they are qualities that make you an asset in any workplace. Embrace your caregiving skills and let them shine as you step into the world of 9-5. Your unique experience is your strength, and it’s time to take the next step in your career with confidence. You’ve got this!

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Download Your Free Expert Storm Guide Now!


As we know, June – November is Hurricane Season. As a family caregiver, there are many ways to prepare your loved ones for it. Early preparation helps reduce opportunities for stress and anxiety as storms approach.

One of the best ways to prepare is allowing your loved on to assist in packing their travel bag, checking their contact list and ensuring there are adequate emergency supplies.

Participation… not isolation… go a long way when preparing for major storms. This Seniors Storm Guide gives essential information to refer to again and again!

Have You Added Your Caregiving Experience to Your Resume?

By Roz Jones

Hey there, fellow caregivers! Today we’re going to talk about a topic that doesn’t often get the recognition it deserves: How to add your caregiving experience to your resume. Many of you have selflessly chosen to be full-time caregivers, putting your careers on hold to ensure your loved ones receive the best care possible. But did you know that your caregiving role is a valuable source of work experience and skills that can enhance your resume? In this blog, I’ll provide some practical tips on how to do just that. Your caregiving journey is a job in itself, and it’s time to recognize and showcase the incredible skills and experiences you’ve gained along the way.

1. Identify Relevant Skills:

One of the first steps in adding caregiving to your resume is to identify the skills you’ve acquired during your caregiving journey. Caregivers develop a wide range of abilities, such as empathy, patience, time management, problem-solving, and communication. These are all highly valuable in the professional world, so be sure to list them as your caregiving skills.

2. Create a Standout Caregiving Title:

Instead of merely stating “caregiver” on your resume, consider crafting a more descriptive title that highlights your unique experiences. For example, you might use “Senior Care Specialist” or “Personal Care Assistant.” This not only showcases your expertise but also catches the eye of potential employers.

3. Quantify Your Achievements:

Like any job, quantifying your caregiving achievements can make your resume more compelling. For instance, you can mention the number of hours you spent caregiving, the variety of tasks you performed, or any significant improvements in your loved one’s health and well-being that resulted from your care.

4. Highlight Transferable Skills:

Incorporate the transferable skills you’ve gained from caregiving into your resume. These skills, like problem-solving, time management, and teamwork, are universally appreciated by employers in any field. Emphasize how these skills can benefit your prospective employer.

5. Customize for the Job You Seek:

Tailor your resume to match the job you’re applying for. If you’re transitioning into a healthcare profession, emphasize caregiving experiences related to medical support and patient care. For other jobs, focus on the soft skills, like communication and empathy, that you’ve developed as a caregiver.

6. Use Action Verbs:

Start your bullet points with action verbs to give your caregiving experiences more impact. For example, “Managed medication schedules” or “Implemented a personalized care plan” will make your achievements stand out.

7. Seek Professional Advice:

If you’re unsure how to integrate your caregiving experience into your resume, don’t hesitate to consult a professional career counselor or resume writer. They can provide valuable insights and help you create a resume that truly represents your caregiving journey.

8. Emphasize Your Commitment:

Your dedication to caregiving is a testament to your reliability and commitment. Employers value individuals who show such dedication, so be sure to highlight this on your resume.

Your caregiving experience is a source of strength and skills that can boost your resume’s appeal to potential employers. Don’t underestimate the value of your hard work and the lessons you’ve learned as a caregiver. By following these tips and recognizing the importance of your caregiving role, you can proudly showcase your abilities and secure the job you deserve. Your journey as a caregiver is an asset, and it’s time to put it front and center on your resume. Good luck, caregivers – your skills are in demand, and the world needs to know!

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Download Your Free Expert Storm Guide Now!


As we know, June – November is Hurricane Season. As a family caregiver, there are many ways to prepare your loved ones for it. Early preparation helps reduce opportunities for stress and anxiety as storms approach.

One of the best ways to prepare is allowing your loved on to assist in packing their travel bag, checking their contact list and ensuring there are adequate emergency supplies.

Participation… not isolation… go a long way when preparing for major storms. This Seniors Storm Guide gives essential information to refer to again and again!

Celebrating Success: A Story of Triumph and Inspiration

By Roz Jones

In this edition, we’re celebrating the resilience and success of caregivers who have worked tirelessly with aging loved ones facing disabilities. These stories serve as a reminder that the human spirit is boundless and that with determination and unwavering support, we can achieve remarkable things.

A Story of Triumph: Jane and Her Mother

Meet Jane, a dedicated caregiver who embarked on a life-altering journey when her mother, Sarah, was diagnosed with a debilitating neurological disorder. Sarah’s condition left her unable to perform even the most basic daily tasks. It was a trying time for Jane, who made the difficult decision to leave her job to become her mother’s full-time caregiver.

For years, Jane selflessly devoted herself to her mother’s care, learning the ins and outs of the healthcare system, administering medications, and providing emotional support. Though it was a challenging role, Jane’s determination never wavered.

One day, while at a caregiver support group, Jane discovered a program that offered training for caregivers to become certified home health aides. This opportunity was a glimmer of hope for Jane, a chance to not only enhance her caregiving skills but also regain her financial independence.

Jane enrolled in the program and, with incredible dedication and hard work, completed her training and earned her certification. With her newfound skills, Jane not only continued to provide exceptional care to her mother but also started working as a professional home health aide.

Sarah’s condition slowly improved with Jane’s unwavering support, and she celebrated small victories along the way. Jane’s journey from full-time caregiver to certified professional was a testament to her determination and her commitment to providing the best care for her mother.

Inspirational Insights:

  • Resilience Beyond Boundaries: Jane’s story reminds us that caregivers often face unexpected challenges, but with resilience, they can overcome them and find new paths to success.
  • Pursuing Personal Goals: Caregivers often put their lives on hold to care for loved ones. It’s essential to explore opportunities for self-improvement and personal growth, as Jane did.
  • Small Wins Matter: Sarah’s gradual improvement showcases that in caregiving, even the smallest victories are worth celebrating. They keep us going during challenging times.
  • The Power of Education: Seeking education and training can be a lifeline for caregivers, allowing them to build their skills and potentially find employment while still providing quality care for their loved ones.
  • Support Systems Are Vital: Jane’s participation in a caregiver support group led her to her new path. Connecting with others who understand the caregiving journey can provide valuable insights and opportunities.

Stories of triumph and inspiration like these within the caregiving community serve as beacons of hope for us all. They remind us that no matter the hurdles we face, we have the strength and resilience to overcome them. By celebrating these successes, we hope to inspire caregivers and their loved ones to chase their dreams and achieve their employment goals, all while providing the love and support that makes caregiving so extraordinary. Let this be a source of motivation and empowerment for all of us.

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Download Your Free Expert Storm Guide Now!


As we know, June – November is Hurricane Season. As a family caregiver, there are many ways to prepare your loved ones for it. Early preparation helps reduce opportunities for stress and anxiety as storms approach.

One of the best ways to prepare is allowing your loved on to assist in packing their travel bag, checking their contact list and ensuring there are adequate emergency supplies.

Participation… not isolation… go a long way when preparing for major storms. This Seniors Storm Guide gives essential information to refer to again and again!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again, as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregivers’ experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver.