How to Balance Your Hormone Levels

By Roz Jones

There are many hormones in your body as a woman that you need to work on balancing properly. These range from estrogen and progesterone, to testosterone, and your thyroid hormones. Simple daily tasks can help improve your health overall and balance your hormone levels at the same time.

Signs of a Hormonal Imbalance Problem

Before looking at the different ways to balance your hormone levels, it helps to first find out if this is something you are struggling with. All women should make sure their hormones are balanced properly, but if you show signs of problems, you really need to focus on it a little more than the average woman. Some signs of hormonal imbalances include having an irregular period, trouble conceiving, insomnia, and a change in your libido. You might lose or gain weight without changing your diet, experience severe fatigue, and have mental health changes like anxiety or depression. Hair loss and changes in your appetite may also occur.

Try Adaptogen Herbs

These types of herbs are healing herbs that provide even more benefits than standard herbs. They are wonderful at helping to balance your hormones as well, so if you are looking to improve your hormone levels with herbs, those classified as adaptogens are the first ones you should turn to. These include many you might recognize, like holy basil, ashwagandha, and certain types of medicinal mushrooms. Not only can they help with your hormone levels, but they are great at lowering your cholesterol, improving thyroid function, and helping with anxiety and depression.

Check back next week for more tips on balancing your hormone levels!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called Circleof….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th!

Navigating the Medicare Open Enrollment process can be confusing and difficult your first time, and I want to help out! For caregivers and their loved ones who are in need of advice and help planning their Medicare enrollment, I’m offering a discounted counseling session for just $97 through the end of October! Go to to sign up!

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for October, November, and December. Email for more info!

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Health Screenings for Women part 2

By Roz Jones

As a woman, taking your health seriously is of the utmost importance. One way to do this is to get routine screenings that look at various aspects of your health, from your blood pressure and cholesterol, to your stamina and physical health. Here are some more of the important health screenings women need to get. Have a look at part 1 here!

Osteoporosis Screenings

One of the more common medical conditions women need to be careful about is osteoporosis. This is when you lose some of your bone density, which can easily happen with women as they age. You need to focus on diet and nutrition, as well as proper exercise to help prevent osteoporosis. You can also get early treatment by getting osteoporosis screenings periodically. This often includes getting a bone density scan, then following that up with x-rays of your bones.

Blood Glucose Tests

Finally, as a woman, you might be at risk for diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can occur at any time during your life, whether you are at a high risk for it or not. It is important to get routine blood work, including checking your blood glucose levels, so you know whether or not you are pre-diabetes or if you already have diabetes now and need to get it treated.

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called Circleof….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th!

Navigating the Medicare Open Enrollment process can be confusing and difficult your first time, and I want to help out! For caregivers and their loved ones who are in need of advice and help planning their Medicare enrollment, I’m offering a discounted counseling session for just $97 through the end of October! Go to to sign up!

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for October, November, and December. Email for more info!

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Health Screenings for Women

By Roz Jones

As a woman, taking your health seriously is of the utmost importance. One way to do this is to get routine screenings that look at various aspects of your health, from your blood pressure and cholesterol, to your stamina and physical health. Here are some of the more important health screenings women need to get. 

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

These are two simple screenings that everyone should get done regularly, including if you are a woman. In fact, women often have a higher risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions, so you should start these tests around age 18-20. Your doctor may request to perform the test each year if you are at a high risk, or do them every few years when you go in for routine blood work. Both blood pressure and cholesterol can affect your heart health and overall health, so don’t skip this one.

Breast Screenings

As a woman, one of the most risky cancers for you is breast cancer. While men can get breast cancer, most people who get this type of cancer are women. You should get various types of breast screenings to look for signs of cancer. The first is a basic type of breast exam, where the doctor or nurse will look for signs of bumps or lumps on your breast, including examining your armpits and areolas for irregular patterns or colors. You should also get a mammogram each year starting between 40 and 50 years old, according to your doctor’s guidelines.

I’ll continue the discussion of women’s health next week!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called Circleof….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th!

Navigating the Medicare Open Enrollment process can be confusing and difficult your first time, and I want to help out! For caregivers and their loved ones who are in need of advice and help planning their Medicare enrollment, I’m offering a discounted counseling session for just $97 through the end of October! Go to to sign up!

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for October, November, and December. Email for more info!

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Be Tough, Guard The Fruits Of Your Hard Labor pt 2

By Roz Jones

Last week, I shared some tips for protecting your finances, the fruits of your hard work. Here are some more ideas to build on those! Check out part one here.

Make wise financial decisions.

“I just can’t miss that deal” or “This is something I have to try because so and so is doing it” are some of the things you need to avoid to guard your money and make it go further. So, learn to make wise money decisions. Understand how money works and invest in making it work for you. Don’t make your decisions based on what a close friend, neighbor, or co-worker is doing. Know what you want to do with your profits. Make smart choices and say NO to what doesn’t suit your financial goals.

Don’t compromise where you mustn’t. 

One of the most difficult things to do is to turn down a friend or loved one who needs your financial assistance. However, it is something you have to do if what they are asking takes you off-budget or if it is something you can’t afford. 

So, if a friend comes to you and says “I have a brilliant business idea. Can you invest in it?” “There is a 30% discount on that car that I’ve always wanted. Can you loan me some money?”, say “I’m afraid I can’t help you with that” and don’t feel guilty about it. 

Guarding the fruits of your hard labor means being tough on yourself as well as your loved ones. So, don’t compromise where you mustn’t. A good friend will understand why you can’t do ABC and not judge you for it. 

The way you guard your profits or gains determines how far you go with your finances. So, be careful how you handle the fruits of your hard work. Always plan ahead and know how you are going to spend your money, what you are going to spend it on, and how you are going to save. 

Be tough on yourself. Don’t go off-budget just because you want to keep up with your friends, neighbors, or co-workers. Remember how hard you fought to reach your financial goals and how hard you still need to fight to ensure your profits don’t go to waste.

Protect your earnings by setting goals and ensure they don’t go to waste by opening a savings account, having a budget, making wise money decisions, and saying NO when you should. 

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called Circleof….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th!

Navigating the Medicare Open Enrollment process can be confusing and difficult your first time, and I want to help out! For caregivers and their loved ones who are in need of advice and help planning their Medicare enrollment, I’m offering a discounted counseling session for just $97 through the end of October! Go to to sign up!

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for October, November, and December. Email for more info!

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Medicare Open Enrollment Starts This Week!

Medicare open enrollment starts October 15th, and runs until December 7th! Take a look at these tips to be ready to enroll.

Check your mail. You may get important notices from Medicare or Social Security. If you’re in a Medicare plan, you’ll get an Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) telling you of any changes in coverage, costs, or service area. Note any 2022 changes to your health coverage or any extra help you may get to pay for prescription drugs.
You may also get brochures and other marketing materials from insurance companies that offer Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Remember — plans aren’t allowed to call or come to your home without an invitation from you.

Think about your Medicare coverage needs for 2022. Carefully review your current Medicare coverage, and note any upcoming changes to your costs or benefits. Decide if your current Medicare coverage will meet your needs for the year ahead. If you like your current coverage, and it’s still available for 2022, you don’t need to take any action to keep it.

Preview 2022 health and prescription drug plans. You can use the official site to compare your current Medicare plan to others, and see prices based on any help you get with drug costs.


Navigating the Medicare Open Enrollment process can be confusing and difficult your first time, and I want to help out!

For caregivers and their loved ones who are in need of advice and help planning their Medicare enrollment, I’m offering a discounted counseling session for just $97 through the end of October!

Go to to sign up!

Newsletter subscribers got this info a day early, sign up to the newsletter to get extra content and early access right in your inbox!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called Circleof….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for October, November, and December. Email for more info!

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!