Creating Vision Boards with Your Aging Loved Ones

By Roz Jones

The process of aging can be difficult for both the person going through it and their caregivers. As our loved ones age, it’s important to find ways to connect with them and help them maintain a positive outlook on life. One great way to do this is by creating vision boards together.

What is a vision board? A vision board is a collection of images, words, and phrases that represent what you want to achieve in your life. The process of creating a vision board is a fun and easy way to reconnect with your loved one and get them excited about the future. Plus, it’s a great way to stimulate their creative side!

Here’s how to get started:

1. Gather Your Supplies

To create a vision board, you’ll need some basic supplies like a poster board, scissors, glue, and markers or crayons. You can also look for special collage kits at your local craft store. Once you have your supplies, clear off a large work surface where you can spread everything out.

2. Collect Images and Words

Next, start collecting images and words that represent what you want to achieve. These can be pictures from magazines, photos you print from the internet, or even personal handwritten messages. If you’re working with an aging loved one, try to focus on positive themes like happiness, travel, family, or friends. 

3. Create Your Vision Board

Once you have all of your materials gathered, it’s time to start putting your vision board together! Encourage your loved one to be creative and have fun with it. They can use as many or as few images as they like, and they can arrange them however they like on the poster board. 

4. Hang It Up and Enjoy!

When your vision board is complete, find a spot to hang it up where you’ll see it every day. This serves as a reminder of all the wonderful things you’re working towards in your life. Every time you look at it, take a moment to reflect on your goals and imagine achieving them. Achievement feels that much sweeter when you’ve got a beautiful reminder hanging on your wall! 

The process of aging can be difficult for both the person going through it and their caregivers. However, by finding ways to connect with our loved ones and help them stay positive, we can make the journey a little bit easier for everyone involved. Creating vision boards together is a great way to reconnect with aging loved ones and get them excited about the future. Plus, it’s a fun activity that stimulates their creative side! So gather up some supplies and give it a try today!

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You’re a busy family caregiver who deserves to have all of your important family information and documents in one place, where you can easily find them when you need them.

The My Data Diary+ family information management software makes it easy for you to keep your life organized and simplified. With sections for Personal, Password, Household, Health, Financial, Legal, and Legacy information and documents, My Data Diary+ provides you with a place for everything so you can have everything in one place!

And now, for a limited time only, get 15% off the $65 one-time price per household by using my discount code THECAREGIVERCAFE at checkout. Don’t wait – get yourself the gift of peace of mind today!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again,
as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Are you trying to decide if you can provide care to your aging loved one and continue working your 9-5 job? Check out my latest podcast to learn how this is possible and why you should be transparent with your employer about your role as a caregiver!

You have your job — the one with a paycheck. And then you have your caregiving responsibilities — helping someone who means the world to you.

Work can be rewarding in more ways than one. So can caregiving. But together, it’s a demanding combination. You may feel like you’ve got more on your plate than you can handle on some days.

So how do you navigate caregiving and juggling your job? In this episode, I share how this is possible and why you should be transparent with your employer about your caregiver role.


Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting and check out my top business mistakes as a Business Owner!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

Setting and Achieving Goals with Your Aging Loved One

By Roz Jones

When it comes to working with clients or even your aging loved one, one of the most important things you can do is help them set and achieve goals. Doing so not only helps them improve their quality of life, but it also helps build trust between you and them. Here are a few tips on how to set and achieve goals with your clients or aging loved ones..

1. Define the goal together: 

The first step in setting a goal with your loved one is to sit down together and figure out what it is they want to achieve. This can be anything from quitting smoking to eating healthier to getting more exercise. Once you have a general idea of what the goal is, you can start to work on creating a plan to help your loved one achieve it.

2. Set realistic milestones: 

Once you have a goal in mind, it’s important to start breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will help your client stay on track and see their progress over time. For example, if their goal is to quit smoking, a milestone could be going one week without having a cigarette.

3. Create a plan of action: 

Once you have the goal and milestones set, it’s time to create a plan of action. This should include specific steps that your client will take in order to reach their goal. For example, if they’re trying to quit smoking, their plan of action might involve joining a smoking cessation program and making a commitment to not smoke around other people.

4. Check in regularly: 

It’s important to check in with your loved one regularly to see how they’re doing and offer any support or assistance they may need. This not only shows that you care about their well-being, but it also allows you to make any necessary adjustments to the plan if things aren’t going as expected.

Setting and achieving goals with your aging loved ones is an important part of providing quality care. By taking the time to sit down and define what they want to accomplish, you can help them build trust while also improving their quality of life. Use the tips above to get started!

My Digital Discount to You!

You’re a busy family caregiver who deserves to have all of your important family information and documents in one place, where you can easily find them when you need them.

The My Data Diary+ family information management software makes it easy for you to keep your life organized and simplified. With sections for Personal, Password, Household, Health, Financial, Legal, and Legacy information and documents, My Data Diary+ provides you with a place for everything so you can have everything in one place!

And now, for a limited time only, get 15% off the $65 one-time price per household by using my discount code THECAREGIVERCAFE at checkout. Don’t wait – get yourself the gift of peace of mind today!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again,
as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Follow My Pinterest to Stay Updated On Tips About Caregiving!

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Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregivers’ experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

5 Secrets Behind a Successful Vision Board

By Roz Jones

A vision board is essentially a physical manifestation of your dreams, goals, and desires. It’s a way to keep yourself motivated and inspired to achieve your objectives. But how do you create a vision board that actually works? Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Define your objectives. What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? Once you have a clear understanding of what it is you’re trying to accomplish, you can begin to narrow down what goes on your vision board.

2. Gather materials. This is where you get to be creative! You can use anything from magazines and newspapers to fabric and paint. Just make sure you have enough of whatever it is you’re using so that your vision board is large enough to contain all of your desired elements.

3. Start putting it together. This is the fun part! Begin by laying out all of your materials in front of you and then start arranging and rearranging them until you have something that feels right. There’s no wrong way to do this, so don’t worry if it takes some time to get everything just perfect. The important thing is that you’re having fun while doing it!

4. Hang it up where you’ll see it every day. This step is crucial! If you’re not constantly reminded of your vision, it’ll be all too easy to forget about it and move on to other things. So find a spot in your home or office where you’ll see your vision board every day and be reminded of what it is you’re working towards.

Creating a vision board can be a fun and therapeutic exercise that can help us caregivers focus on our goals and maintain motivation throughout our caregiving journey. By following these simple tips, you can create a vision board that works for you and helps keep you inspired along the way!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again,
as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Are You a Caregiver Dealing with Naysayers? Check out my latest podcast to learn the ways you can deal with the naysayers in your life!

If you get caught in a riptide, the best way to survive is to swim with it. Go in the direction it’s carrying you. People drown when they try to overpower the tide instead of using its energy to go somewhere else.

The same principle holds true for overcoming naysayers when working as a caregiver

If you’re dealing with an active naysayer, and you try to overpower them, you will (emotionally) drown in negativity. Instead, you have to move with their energy, not fight it.

In this episode, I share a couple of ways you can deal with naysayers.


Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting and check out my top business mistakes as a Business Owner!

(Click the link above to access my new Instagram page with ease!)

Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

Ready, Set, GOAL DIG

By Roz Jones

Are you a caregiver who feels like you’re constantly running in circles but not getting anywhere? Do you have a to-do list a mile long and never seem to be able to check everything off? If so, it’s time to start goal digging!

What is goal digging, you ask? It’s simple: it’s setting yourself small, achievable goals that will help you move closer to your big-picture objectives. Think of it as a road map for your caregiving journey. By breaking down your goals into manageable steps, you can make significant progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Ready to get started? Here’s how to become a goal-digging caregiver!

1. Determine Your Destination

The first step in any journey is deciding where you want to go. In other words, what are your overall objectives as a caregiver? Do you want to provide the best possible care for your loved one? Improve your relationship with them? Maintain your own mental and physical health? Once you’ve identified your destination, you can start plotting out the steps you need to take to get there.

2. Set Small Goals

As we all know, Rome wasn’t built in a day. The same goes for reaching your caregiver goals! Trying to accomplish too much at once will only lead to frustration and burnout. Instead, focus on smaller achievements that will help you slowly but surely reach your destination. For example, if your goal is to improve your relationship with your loved one, start by setting aside ten minutes each day to talk with them about something other than their care. Or if you’re trying to maintain your own health and well-being, commit to going for a walk three times per week. 

Remember, baby steps lead to big accomplishments!

3. Celebrate Your Successes

It’s important to celebrate every victory—no matter how small—on your path to becoming a goal-digging caregiver. Why? Because each success will motivate and encourage you to keep going when things get tough (and trust us, they will!). So whether it’s crossing an item off your weekly task list or spending quality time with your loved one, take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come. You deserve it!

4. Enlist Help When You Need It.

Caregiving is a team effort, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it! Whether it’s hiring professional help or reaching out to friends and family members for support, enlisting assistance will lighten your load and leave you more energy and time to focus on achieving your goals. 

Caregiving is a rewarding but challenging journey. Luckily, by goal-digging—that is, setting small, achievable goals—you can make significant progress without feeling overwhelmed. And when you do reach those big-picture objectives, be sure to take a moment to celebrate all that you’ve accomplished! Finally, don’t forget that caregiving is a team effort—so enlist help when necessary in order to ensure everyone’s success.

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again,
as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Follow My Pinterest to Stay Updated On Tips About Caregiving!

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Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregivers’ experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

3 Tips for Creating A Successful Vision Board

By Roz Jones

A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. It’s a way to bring your future into focus and keep yourself motivated to achieve your statement. Creating a vision board can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to do it right in order to get the most out of it. Here are some tips for creating a successful vision board.

Keep it Simple

Your vision board should be simple and focused. Don’t try to cram too much onto it or you’ll end up with a cluttered mess. Pick a central theme or area of your life that you want to focus on, such as your career, health, or personal relationships. From there, you can narrow down your choices of images, quotes, and other items to include on your board.

Make it Meaningful

The items you choose for your vision board should be meaningful to you. They should represent your deepest desires and aspirations. If you’re not passionate about what you’re putting on your board, it’s not going to be effective. Take some time to really think about what you want to include before you start putting anything down.

Choose Inspiring Images

The images you choose for your vision board should be inspiring. They should make you feel excited about your future and motivated to achieve your goals. Avoid using any negative or uninspiring images on your board. Anything that makes you feel discouraged is only going to hold you back.

Creating a vision board can be a fun way to bring your future into focus and stay motivated to achieve your goals. Keep these tips in mind while putting together your own vision board, and you’ll be sure to create something that truly inspires you!

Shop The Caregiver Cafe E-Commerce Store!

We founded The Caregiver Cafe Shopify Store with one simple goal: to help you experiment with your passion while at the same time providing amazing prices. We were tired of cookie-cutter stores with lackluster selections, and boring gifts. Instead of offering a huge unoriginal collection, we carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for people the taste buds like you.

We focus on items that get you excited about shopping again,
as we believe buying online should always be fun!

Are You a Caregiver Struggling with Procrastination? Stop losing out on 55 Days from procrastinating and check out my latest podcast to learn why we procrastinate and how we can improve and maximize our time!

 We all procrastinate differently, and we have all put off something that we needed to do. But how many times have you put off the same task and in how many areas of your life do you procrastinate?

So why is procrastination bad and how does procrastination affect our lives? If you think that it’s just as simple as postponing things, you’re not entirely wrong. But procrastination affects us deeply. In fact, it can affect many aspects of our lives aside from simply not getting things done.

In this episode, I share a couple of reasons why we procrastinate and how we can improve and maximize our time.


Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting and check out my top business mistakes as a Business Owner!

(Click the link above to access my new Instagram page with ease!)

Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver.