What You Should Know About Menopause

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

As women age, they go through various life phases, including teen years, the childbearing years, and then menopause. During menopause, you can no longer get pregnant and will not have your menstrual period for an extended period of time. Here is more information about what it is like to go through menopause.

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause can often sneak up on you, where you don’t realize what is happening until you see your doctor about odd physical or mental symptoms. Some women do get perimenopause first, where you experience some menopause symptoms prior to actually having menopause. This is actually a good thing because you have this for about a year before menopause, giving you plenty of time to adjust to the changes in your body.

When menopause arrives, you may have any combination of symptoms. Some women have severe hot flashes, while other women don’t have them at all. Aside from the hot flashes, you will have no more period and your PMS symptoms should be much different than they were before. You might have a little weight gain, especially around your midsection. You may also have vaginal dryness as a result of the decreased hormone levels in your body. While you can no longer get pregnant naturally, you may still be able to carry a baby through in-vitro fertilization.

When You Will Go Through it

You can go through menopause at different ages, but the majority of women will have it occur between 45 and 55. Some women have it much younger, starting with perimenopause first. Other women luck out and last until 60 or older before going through menopause. The average age for experiencing early stages of menopause is about 51 years of age. It takes a while for your body to adjust fully to menopause, but seeing a doctor early on can make it a lot more comfortable for you.

Potential Complications

While menopause is completely normal and something most women will go through, it does have some mild complications. First of all, with the vaginal dryness and changes in your mood and physical health, you might experience a steep decline in your sexual interest. This often goes away once you get used to the changes your body is going through. You are also at a risk for medical conditions like osteoporosis when you go through menopause.

When No One Has Your Back, God Always Does

“This I know: God is on my side!

My friend with a chronic illness was living in a foreign country. When she visited the doctor, she couldn’t speak the language. She brought along a relative that could speak it and assumed everything would be OK.

Sadly, my friend’s relative didn’t believe she was ill. She used the opportunity to convince doctors that my friend didn’t need medication or care. She purposely caused my friend much suffering through her lies.

It’s hard when those we love don’t believe we’re sick or don’t think we’re in that much pain. It’s bad enough to be sick but when it feels like those you love don’t care? It’s heartbreaking.

That’s why I love Psalm 56:9. David says, “This I know: God is on my side!” (NLT)

Even when it feels like no one is looking out for you, God has your back! He’s looking out for you and causing EVERYTHING to work together for your good. That’s a promise you can rest in today.

Can I pray for you today: Father God, we humbly come today and want to say thank You. Thank You for being here in the midst of everything good, bad, and indifferent. No matter how it may seem, I know that You are always by our side. Thank you for reassuring us that your love, protection, and comfort. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

Common Mental Health Issues in Women

Find a positive outlet when dealing with stress.

It is essential that you really pay close attention to your mental health as a woman, just like men need to. It is imperative that you not ignore symptoms of certain mental health conditions, whether you have stress or clinical depression. Here are some of the more common mental health issues women tend to face.


This is probably one of the biggest and most common mental health issues that plagues women. While both men and women can definitely get stress, there have been many studies to show that women in general are at a higher risk for getting stress. The good news is that there are a lot of easy and healthy ways to reduce your stress levels, from changes in your job and home life, to healthy lifestyle changes like exercising more often and making sure you focus on self-care.


Another big mental health dilemma among women is anxiety. Anxiety in general is equal among men and women, but there are certain types of anxiety that you are more prone to. This includes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic attack disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and specific phobias like agoraphobia. If you struggle with a high amount of stress, that can also be a contributing factor to your anxiety or panic attacks. For anxiety, remedies range from cutting out caffeine and alcohol, to taking anti-anxiety medications.


Along the same lines of anxiety is depression, which is also a bigger risk in women. Studies have shown than women are twice as likely to get depression and have more suicide attempts. Women tend to commit suicide more often than men, and approximately 12 perfect of women are suffering from depression, while the number is only 6 percent with men. However, men are more likely to actually die from the suicide attempts. Either way, no matter your gender, you should never ignore your depression. Get help from a licensed mental health professional right away.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are also considered a mental health condition, and are more common in women. Men still get anorexia and binge eating disorder, but women are at a higher risk. If you feel that you might have an eating disorder like bulimia, anorexia, binge eating disorder, or overeating disorder, you should talk to a doctor as soon as you can. These disorders affect your mental and physical state, and can even be life threatening.

Waves of Grief

God’s love is always there for you, especially in grieving times.

Some days, I think I’m doing fine. I’m coping with my chronic illness. I’ve accepted it and I’m even able to live with a measure of happiness.

Your reality may not be chronic illness; it could be heartbreak from a break up or divorce, losing a loved one, your business being shut down, etc. Just like me, you’ve accepted it and are living your new normal.

Then come the bad days. The ones I’m reminded of everything that’s been taken. Of all the milestones I’ve been robbed of. All the things that my illness has stolen, and I find myself wanting to sob.

I feel the loss all over again.

Can you relate?

Grief is a funny thing. It comes in waves, but in between those waves, the waters can be perfectly still. In fact, they can be so still that you convince yourself you’re OK.

Then the next one rises, and you’re gasping for breath. In moments like these, I cling to verses like Psalm 34:18.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (NIV)

Can I pray for you today friend?

God, I pray for (subscriber’s name). Surround them with Your comforting Presence. Remind them again that You are for them and You are close beside them. Let them feel You wrapping Your arms around them and pulling them in for a hug. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dealing With Overactive Bladder

Women have a higher risk of having an Overactive Bladder.

Women deal with a lot of medical conditions and have a higher risk for certain diseases, from heart disease to menopause. Another medical condition that women often have a higher risk of than men is an overactive bladder. This affects millions of people in the U.S. alone, and can be really frustrating to live with. The following information helps you understand overactive bladder and get a better handle on it.

About Overactive Bladder

First of all, it helps to know a little more about what an overactive bladder is and how it might affect you. In the United States alone, about 33 million men and women suffer from an overactive bladder, even more when you are looking at the worldwide numbers. There are about 10% more women than men with this condition, looking at approximately 40 percent of adult women with the condition. Since this is often an embarrassing affliction, many people will not visit their doctor and instead look for natural and home treatments. It is essential that you understand what happens when you have overactive bladder so you know if a visit to your doctor is warranted.

How it Affects You

Having an overactive bladder means that you will get an urge to urinate immediately. There are often no warning signs, and if you can’t get to a bathroom fast enough, you may suffer an accident. This is also known as urine incontinence. This can create feelings of severe panic and anxiety any time you are not at home or not near a restroom. Aside from the sudden urge to urinate, you may find that with an overactive bladder you also urinate more frequently and that as soon as you feel the need to urinate, you have an accidental leak of urine involuntarily. If you wake up multiple times at night to urinate consistently, that can be another very common sign of this condition.

What Can Be Done About it

If you are dealing with incontinence or an overactive bladder, you should talk to your doctor. There are a variety of medical treatments available. Aside from that, there are also some things you can do at home. This includes getting to a healthy weight, reducing alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking. Having a healthy, active life can also be good for you, so don’t shy away from it just because of your overactive bladder.