Take Back Your Joy This Holiday Season After Losing Your Loved One

By Roz Jones

The holiday season is a time to come together and celebrate with friends and family. For many of us, this time of year is a reminder of what we are thankful for and how much we have to be grateful for. But for those of us who are grieving the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be a difficult and painful time.

If this is your first holiday season without your loved one, you may be feeling a range of emotions including sadness, anger, anxiety, and loneliness. It is totally normal to feel this way and there are things that you can do to help make the holiday season a little bit easier.

Prepare Yourself Mentally and Emotionally
One of the best things that you can do to prepare for the holiday season is to take some time to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. This may mean talking to your friends or family about your expectations for the holidays, setting aside some time to reflect on your happy memories with your loved one, or even taking some time for yourself to relax and recharge.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the holiday season, it is okay to take a step back and take some time for yourself. Do not feel like you have to force yourself into the holiday spirit if you are not ready. It is perfectly normal to need some time to grieve before being able to fully enjoy the holidays again.

Create New Traditions
Another great way to cope with the holidays after the loss of a loved one is to create new traditions. This could mean starting a new holiday tradition with your immediate family or close friends, volunteering your time at a local charity or soup kitchen, or even just taking some time for yourself to do something that you enjoy. Whatever you decide to do, make sure that it is something that will help you remember your loved one in a positive light.

Seek out Support
Finally, do not be afraid to seek out support from those around you. Talk to your friends and family about how you are feeling, join a grief support group, or see a therapist if you are struggling emotionally. Remember, you are not alone in this and there are people who want to help you through this difficult time.

The first holiday season without your loved one can be tough but there are ways that you can make it easier on yourself. Prepare mentally and emotionally for the holidays, create new traditions, and seek out support from those around you. Just remember that it is okay if you need some extra time this holiday season as you grieve the loss of your loved one.

Did You Catch Angela and Arthur’s Story in Part 1 of A Powerful Story of Love and Caregiving? Check out Part 2 by clicking the link below!

Arthur and Angela’s story is a unique one and in this episode, they share it all with us.

Listen in and get inspired by how they have been able to progress on their journey in love and caregiving.


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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

How to Avoid Procrastination & Prepare for the Holidays

By Roz Jones

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. But they can also be a time of stress and anxiety. If you’re like most caregivers, you probably have a long list of things to do and not enough time to do them. Add in the pressure of holiday parties, gift shopping, and preparing special meals, and it’s no wonder so many caregivers end up feeling overwhelmed.

One of the best ways to reduce stress during the holidays is to avoid procrastination. That means getting started on your projects as soon as possible and setting realistic deadlines. It also means being organized and prioritizing your tasks. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to avoid procrastination and make the most of your holiday season.

Get started early

One of the best ways to avoid procrastination is to get started on your projects as soon as possible. That doesn’t mean you have to start decorating your house in October or start your holiday shopping in August (unless you want to, of course). But it does mean that you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to start your preparations.

The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to get things done and the less stressed you’ll be. And if you find that you’re getting overwhelmed, take a break! There’s no rule that says you have to do everything at once. Little by little, each task will get done and before you know it, you’ll be ready for the holidays.

Set realistic deadlines

If you’re like most caregivers, you probably have a long list of things to do during the holidays. But trying to do everything at once is a recipe for disaster. Instead, set realistic deadlines for yourself and break down your tasks into manageable chunks. For example, if you’re hosting a holiday party, set a deadline for when all the preparations need to be done. Then create a checklist of everything that needs to be done (e.g., send out invitations, buy food and drinks, decorate the house) and cross each item off as you complete it.

By setting deadlines and breaking down your tasks into smaller parts, you’ll avoid feeling overwhelmed and will be more likely to stay on track. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than crossing items off your holiday To-Do list!

Prioritize your tasks

With so many things on your plate during the holidays, it’s important to prioritize your tasks so that you don’t get bogged down by low-priority items. Start by making a list of everything that needs to be done (e.g., decorate the house, buy gifts) and then rank each task in order of importance. Once you’ve done that, focus on completing the most important tasks first and save the lower-priority items for later. This will help ensure that you don’t get sidetracked by less important tasks and will help reduce stress during this busy time of year. 

The holidays are a wonderful time of year but they can also be very stressful. If you’re struggling with procrastination or feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, take heart! You’re not alone. By following these tips—getting started early, setting realistic deadlines, Prioritizing your tasks—you can avoid procrastination and make this holiday season joyful instead of stressful!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregivers’ experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

5 Ways Caregivers Can Jingle Their Bells This Holiday Season!

By Roz Jones

The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and coming together. But it can also be a time of stress and exhaustion, especially for caregivers. If you’re feeling the holiday blues, here are some ways to care for yourself so you can fully enjoy the season.

1. Get enough sleep. 

When you’re short on rest, everything feels harder. So make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you can’t get a full night’s sleep, try taking a nap during the day or going to bed earlier than usual.

2. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. 

Eating nutritious meals and drinking plenty of fluids will help you have the energy you need to get through the day. Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods that will only make you feel worse.

3. Exercise regularly. 

Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Taking a brisk walk around the block or doing some jumping jacks in your living room can do wonders for your mental wellbeing.

4. Take breaks when you need them. 

Caring for someone can be all-consuming, but it’s important to take breaks when you need them. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or watching your favorite TV show, take time for yourself every day to recharge.

5. Reach out to your support system. 

Whether it’s family, friends, or a support group, Lean on your loved ones when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talking about what’s going on can help you feel better and may give you some much-needed perspective.

This holiday season, don’t forget to take care of yourself! By getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, taking breaks, and reaching out to your support system, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the holidays and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

Did You Catch Angela and Arthur’s Story in Part 1 of A Powerful Story of Love and Caregiving? Check out Part 2 by clicking the link below!

Arthur and Angela’s story is a unique one and in this episode, they share it all with us.

Listen in and get inspired by how they have been able to progress on their journey in love and caregiving.


Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting and check out my top business mistakes as a Business Owner!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

The 5 Types of Procrastinators & How You Can Overcome!

By Roz Jones

There are mainly 5 common types of procrastinators. Determine which one you relate to the most & how you can overcome it.

  • The Perfectionist.
    Don’t let your obsession with details take up all your time. Instead, be clear about the purpose of the tasks and assign a time limit to work on each one. This pushes you to stay focused and finish within the desired time. 

    The perfectionist pays too much attention to making every perfect. They are afraid to start; afraid they won’t get every detail right. They can get stuck during the process of a task because they are too scared to continue.
  1. The Dreamer.
    The dreamer enjoys making plans more than taking action. They are often highly creative but find it difficult to finish the work.

    Stop yourself from being carried away by your endless creative ideas by getting your feet on the ground with specific goals based on the SMART system. Set the goal, break it into small tasks you can take action on and then follow through. When you have ideas pop into your head, jot them down to revisit later.
  1. The Avoider.
    The avoider is a worrier. They are too scared to attempt tasks they think they can’t handle. Instead, they would rather put off doing the work than be judged by others when they make mistakes.

    Focus on the worst task first. Spend your morning hours working on what is the most challenging to you. This gives you a feeling of having achieved something and helps build momentum for the rest of the day. Avoid checking emails first thing every day. And break your tasks into smaller sub-tasks.
  1. The Crisis-Maker. 
    The crisis-maker is someone who deliberately puts work off until the last minute. To them, deadlines (or crises) are exciting and they believe they work best when they are under pressure of a deadline.

    Realize that you are not doing your best work by waiting until the last minute. Instead, work on the project a little at a time. Try using the Pomodoro technique where you focus on working in short, focused bursts then give yourself a short break before starting again.
  1. The Busy Procrastinator.
    The busy procrastinator has trouble prioritizing tasks. They are the fussy ones who have too many tasks or refuse to work on what they think as unworthy of their skills. They don’t know how to pick the task that is the highest priority and best for them, so they simply put off making any decision.

    Set your priorities in the right order. Important tasks take priority over urgent ones. Urgent doesn’t always mean it’s important. Important tasks are the ones that will add value to your expected outcome.

Procrastination doesn’t have to always get you down. Did you find out the type of procrastinator you are? I hope you use these tips to continue kicking your procrastination habits to the curb as you prepare for the new year!

Follow My Pinterest to Stay Updated On Tips About Caregiving!

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Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregivers’ experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver. 

3 Tips On Coping with Holiday Stress

By Roz Jones

The holiday season is a joyful time for many, but it can also be a very stressful time. For caregivers, the added stress of caring for a loved one can make the holidays feel overwhelming. Here are some tips for caregivers to help cope with holiday stress.

The holidays are a joyful time for many, but they can also be very stressful. For caregivers, the added stress of caring for a loved one can make the holidays feel overwhelming. Here are some tips for caregivers to help cope with holiday stress.

Plan Ahead

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to plan ahead. When you know what to expect, you can better prepare yourself and your loved one for the holiday season. Make a list of all the things you need to do and start checking items off as you go. Planning ahead will help you stay organized and on top of things during the busy holiday season.

Take Time for Yourself

It’s important to take some time for yourself during the holidays. Caring for a loved one can be demanding and exhausting. Take some time each day to do something that you enjoy, even if it’s just reading or taking a break from all the holiday preparations. You’ll feel better and be able to better care for your loved one when you take some time out for yourself.

Talk to Other Caregivers

You’re not alone in this! Talk to other caregivers and see how they’re coping with holiday stress. You may find that you have more in common than you realized and that talking to others who understand what you’re going through can be very helpful. There are also online forums and support groups that can be a great resource during this time of year. 

The holidays can be a stressful time, but it’s important to take care of yourself so that you can continue providing care for your loved one. Planning ahead, taking some time for yourself, and talking to other caregivers can help reduce stress and make the holiday season more enjoyable for both you and your loved one.

Did You Miss Last Week’s Podcast Episode on A Powerful Story of Love and Caregiving? If you did be sure to listen to it below!

Arthur and Angela’s story is a unique one and in this episode, they share it all with us.

Listen in and get inspired by how they have been able to progress on their journey in love and caregiving.


Thank you for your patience with me as I attempted to gain access to my Instagram account @rozjonesenterprises! Unfortunately, I have been prompted to create a NEW Instagram account.

Be sure to follow my new Instagram page @rozcaregiverconsulting and check out my top business mistakes as a Business Owner!

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Subscribe to The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Newsletter!

Caregiving can be a roller coaster of ups and downs. The information that you will receive from The Caregiver Cafe Weekly Specials Newsletter will support you as a caregiver. Remember…

1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE: The problems you face as a caregiver are experienced by other caregivers. Knowing that you’re not alone can be comforting. 

2. Tools and Resources:  Find caregiver stress management tools and gain perspective from other caregiver’s experiences.

3. LEARN TO: Ask for help, accept help when it is offered, and acknowledge yourself on this caregiving journey. Hear from experts on how to balance caregiving responsibilities by taking care of your needs and involving others to help manage the natural stress and isolation of being a caregiver.