How to Talk to Your Kids About Tough Topics

By Roz Jones

You might find it uncomfortable talking about some subjects with your kids. It might be because of your own background, your cultural or religious values. As a caregiver, one challenge may be even finding the time to sit down to have the conversation. Even though it’s difficult, it’s important to talk about the tough topics that affect our kids. It’s a good idea to identify the topics that might confuse, scare, or overwhelm your child.

Here are some tips for addressing the sticky topics with your kids:

  • If something sad happens within your family, like an illness, a death, or a divorce, try to be the one to talk to them about it first. Set aside time with your child where you can both be comfortable, and choose a safe environment where you can talk to them about it.
  • Keep your answers simple and appropriate for their age. Children under six aren’t necessarily going to understand or be patient while you give them a long, drawn out explanation.
  • Be honest and talk as truthfully as you can about the topic.
  • Come back to the topic. It will take time for your child to understand. Let them know they are welcome to come back and ask you questions about the topic at any time.
  • If the topic is one that is bothering them, be open and ask open-ended questions to help them describe how they feel or what they think.
  • Listen to your child. Make eye contact and get as close to their level as you can. 
  • Above all, remain calm even if the topic is sad or difficult for you personally. It’s also okay to have feelings and let your child know how you feel.

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Budget-Friendly Ways to Eat Healthy

By Roz Jones

Finding healthy ways to feed your loved ones can often be challenging because it’s not always the most affordable option, and can make nutrition feel overwhelming for a caregiver. However, with just a little creativity, it’s very possible to find healthy, budget-friendly food choices so your loved ones and your wallet can reap the benefits!

Tips That Can Instantly Save You Money!

Consider the following tips that are sure to cater to your wallet and your palate:

  1. Eat out less often. Limiting eating out has two wonderful benefits:
  • In one instance, your expenditure on food will be significantly less because eating at a restaurant is often pricier than you might realize.
  • In the second instance, eating out doesn’t allow you to control the ingredients in your meals. Even if you order something that sounds healthy, there’s a strong likelihood that the overall meal won’t be healthy enough for your liking.
  1. Grow your own veggies and herbs. You’d be surprised at how much savings accrue if you grow your own vegetables and herbs at home. Even if you have a small home with very minimal outdoor space, it’s still possible to have your own garden in pots.

Fresh herbs and vegetables are tasty and healthy, yet quite expensive if you buy the organic versions at the grocery store. By growing your own, you’ll know that they’re organic, picked at the peak of perfection and nutrition, and you’ll save money as well.

Cooking Techniques That Are Affordable and Healthy

Try these healthy cooking ideas for a change of pace and more change in your pocket:

  1. Go grilled, not fried. If you have kids in your household, then there’s a great chance that they will want kid friendly meals like fish fingers or chicken nuggets. While those items may not necessarily be very expensive in the supermarket, they’re not as nutritious as their grilled counterparts.

It’s easy to avoid the unhealthy way of preparing these things for your kids by grilling or oven-cooking their favorites.

  1. Use homemade condiments. A great alternative to unhealthy store-bought condiments is to make your own relishes and sauces at home. The added benefit is that they’ll be much less expensive than the grocery store variety. 
  1. Make your own juices. You’d be surprised at how much sugar or artificial sweetener is contained within many of those “zero sugar” juices on the market. Why not save yourself the extra dollars and your family the extra calories by making juices yourself? Fruits are relatively affordable – especially if you buy them locally and in season – so buying your own and making your own juices is a healthier and more affordable option.

Many people end up choosing the more expensive and less healthy eating options for their loved ones simply because they assume healthy eating is more expensive. While it can be more expensive in certain instances, a little creativity and imagination can definitely allow you to have a healthier option on a budget.

So now is the time to put your thinking cap on and find smarter ways to eat with healthier and money-saving outcomes! Your limited pocket doesn’t have to equate to limited nutrition; find creative ways to make “1+1” equal healthy and affordable alternatives!

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Journal Prompts to Heal a Broken Heart

By Roz Jones

Grieving the end of a relationship can be painful for both parties.

When we mourn the end of a relationship, it’s normal to miss your ex and the way you felt in that relationship. In healing from the pain that comes after a breakup, we need to accept, let go, and move forward. One way of accomplishing that is by journaling.

Journaling helps get your thoughts and feelings onto paper. Physically writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you understand what’s going on in your mind, and help you learn more about what you want in life. This may be a crucial self-care practice for caregivers, who often focus much of their energy caring for the wants and needs of others. 

Understand How Journaling Can Change Your Life

Journaling about what is most meaningful to you can change your daily mood and your life. When you journal, you can write down positive thoughts, clarify personal goals, and keep track of your success.

Sometimes it can be difficult to start journaling. Journal prompts help you explore a stream of consciousness and guide you with questions to process how you’re feeling.

Use these questions to help yourself heal a broken heart:

  1. What things do I miss from the relationship? What can I do to give myself those things I miss? 

There are things we miss from relationships, like our ex’s company. What can you do to replace what you miss? For example, if you miss having company, maybe you can invite a friend or family member out to dinner.

  1. What love story have I been telling myself that no longer serves me? How would I like to change that story? 

Maybe you’ve been telling yourself that you need a partner to be happy. What stories about love have you believed? Are they still serving you?

  1. What parts of myself do I want to change? 

Are there any parts of yourself you want to leave behind? Maybe you lost your independence in the relationship, or you might notice that you are impatient.

  1. In what ways can I show up for myself when no one else can? 

What do you need right now? What can you do to show up for yourself? Maybe it’s going on a walk, taking a bath, or cooking your favorite meal.

  1. Describe your ideal day. 

What does your ideal day look like? What time do you wake up? What do you do after you wake up? What kind of activities fill your day? What can you do to create more ideal days in your life?

  1. List five things you feel grateful for. 

Study after study shows that grateful people are more likely to take care of themselves and make healthier choices. To increase gratitude in your daily life, journal about 1-3 things you are grateful for each day.

7. How did I grow from the relationship? How can I grow from this breakup? 

Focusing on how you can grow gets you out of the victim mentality. Instead of staying within the victim mentality of feeling resentful, you can shift your focus onto what you can control instead.

Above all, remember that healing the pain takes time. Heartbreak is never easy. 

However, journaling can help you create compassion, joy, and confidence. 

Start with one journal prompt. This will help you explore your feelings, discover the root of your pain, and start moving on.

For more on journaling and its benefits for caregivers, check out my video here!

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

The Surprising Connection Between Sleep and Heart Health

By Roz Jones

Diet and exercise may be the first things that come to mind when you think about taking care of your heart. However, what you do overnight counts too. 

Sleep deficiencies can contribute to many heart conditions, and heart troubles can make it difficult to sleep.

Experts have been aware of a link between sleep apnea and high blood pressure for many years. Now, ongoing research is discovering similar interactions related to insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Learn more about how you can use sleep to keep your heart healthy. 

Understanding How Sleep Affects Your Heart

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one third of adults get less than the minimum recommendation of seven hours of sleep each night, adding to their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. 

What does that mean for you?

Consider these factors:

  1. Count your hours. Lack of sleep can disrupt your hormones and cause calcium buildup and other changes in your arteries. On the other hand, excessive sleep of more than nine hours is associated with higher health risks too. Most adults need to aim for seven to eight hours nightly.
  2. Watch your blood pressure. Your heart slows down, and your blood pressure drops while you sleep. This nocturnal dipping gives your body a chance to heal from daily stress. Without this time off, you’re more vulnerable to hypertension and other issues.
  3. Manage diabetes. Elevated blood sugar can harm your blood vessels. Sleep helps to stabilize blood glucose, lowering your risk for prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes.
  4. Lose weight. Do you crave fattening foods after a restless night? Studies show that lack of sleep may throw your hunger hormones out of balance, and make you want to overeat. Excess pounds increase inflammation and strain your heart, especially if they settle down around your midsection.
  5. Reduce sleep apnea. If you snore and feel tired during the day, you may have sleep apnea. This disorder causes you to stop breathing intermittently while you’re asleep, putting you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke, and atrial fibrillation. Ask your doctor about CPAP therapy and other options.
  6. Minimize disruptions. Even if you go to bed early, frequent interruptions can keep you from enjoying the four essential stages of sleep. The deeper stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep are especially beneficial for your heart. In addition, continuous sleep keeps your heart rate from spiking each time you wake up.
  1. Learn to relax. It’s natural to feel anxious sometimes, especially in these chaotic times. Relaxation practices can help you to cope and enjoy more restful sleep. Take part each day in activities that help you relax.

Almost 80% of heart disease and stroke are preventable, according to the American Heart Association. Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Sufficient sleep and other heart healthy habits can lower your risk for many serious medical conditions. Talk with your doctor, so you can figure out which factors are most important for helping you to lead a longer and more active life.

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

I Heal My Heart with Hope

By Roz Jones

I believe in the old adage, “Hope springs eternal.” I know I can heal my heart with hope.

Just as the sun comes up each morning, I have faith in the healing power of hope.

I trust that the sun will come up each day. I trust that hope heals all things.

I have decided to avoid hopelessness. I choose to be hopeful, instead.

I am full of hope!

I know I am safe. I am grateful to be here. I am grateful to have my feet planted firmly on the ground, and my head floating in the clouds of hope.

I see the squirrels chasing each other around the tree trunk. That gives me hope. I feel happiness well up inside of me.

I abide in hope for a positive future.

I know that everything is okay. I feel it in my bones. I look out the window and see the perfection of all that is, and know that I can be just fine too.

I see the grass as it continues to grow, and it gives me hope. I see the leaves start to change, and I know that I can stay hopeful through all the changes that occur in life.

I stay in a place of hope that all is well.

Today, I feel my heart swell with hope. I feel optimism coursing through my veins. I feel a smile expand across my face. I am in a positive place of hopefulness and it is good.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What can I do today that will increase my hope?
  2. Who can I call that will bring me additional hope?
  3. Where can I go out in nature to harvest more hope?

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Visit for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!