6 Powerful Ways to Use Positive Affirmations for Living in the Now

By Roz Jones

As the holidays come to a close, we may still find ourselves stressed from the different routines, the uptick in social gatherings, the mess of presents and food, or the extra responsibilities of caring for a loved one. This is a great time to take a few moments to practice mindfulness to bring that stress under control.

You probably already know that affirmations can help you be more successful in your life. Did you know there are ways you can supercharge your affirmations to make them even more powerful?

Use these six steps to up your affirmations’ effectiveness.

  • Make your affirmations in the active voice. For example, “I am (positive verb).”
  • Include emotions that are positive. You want them to make you feel good.
  • Make them in the present tense. For example, “I am” instead of “I will.”
  • Try to make them concise and focused but short and memorable.
  • Switch them out if they aren’t working well.
  • Focus on the positive, what you want.

Play around with the wording until it feels right for you. Some examples include:

“I enjoy getting healthier and slimmer every day.”

“I feel stronger and fitter choosing a healthier lifestyle.”

Say your affirmations at least two times a day.

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for December. Email assistrozjones@gmail.com for more info!

Visit http://www.rozjonesent.com for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Mindfulness for Reduced Stress

By Roz Jones

As the holidays come to a close, we may still find ourselves stressed from the different routines, the uptick in social gatherings, the mess of presents and food, or the extra responsibilities of caring for a loved one. This is a great time to take a few moments to practice mindfulness to bring that stress under control.

Being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to situations is called mindfulness. The mindful approach to dealing with stress lets you acknowledge and embrace it and then let it go instead of running or hiding from it. A mindful person feels relaxed, at peace and is observant.

Follow these tips to help you begin being more mindful and developing your mindset to embrace stress.

  • Be grateful every day. Schedule a regular time daily to write down 5 things you are grateful for. Don’t just list the same five things each day. Find little things such as the butterfly that landed on your shoulder or the smile from a stranger.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. When stressed, bring yourself back into the present moment with a deep breath and reset your emotions. Choose to be calm.
  • Reset your mindset. Ask yourself what you can learn from this challenge. Stress imprints on your mind to get you ready to handle similar stress in the future.
  • Write down what’s causing the stress and find an appropriate solution. Getting what’s worrying you down on paper can help you see a different perspective.
  • Do some self-reflection meditation. If you think meditation is just for yoga class or new-age aficionados, you may be surprised that it can be a healthy habit for everyone. Find a quiet space and start deep breathing. Clear your mind so you can self-reflect on calm and happy memories and things you’re thankful for.
  • Observe your own thoughts. You often react to stress automatically. This can lead to anxiety. Assess your thoughts and identify what is really happening.
  • Be mindful by focusing on what you’re doing, whether it’s eating, driving, or participating in a conversation. Part of our daily stress comes from having too many things on our minds at one time. Learning to be more mindful of your thoughts by focusing on what you are doing helps you embrace any stress of the moment in that moment.
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I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

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It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for December. Email assistrozjones@gmail.com for more info!

Visit http://www.rozjonesent.com for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

2 Weeks of Decluttering: Tasks for Daily Living

By Roz Jones

We’re finishing out our 2 weeks of decluttering with six small habits you can keep every day to keep yourself organized.

These few habits to do each day will make your world feel a lot less cluttered. Not only will your home be less cluttered but because of these tasks, your mind will also feel better too.

Make Your Bed — Every day, make your bed as soon as you get out of it. Shake out the sheets, fluff the pillows, and make the bed. When you do that, your room immediately feels cleaner, looks cleaner, and you’ll be more motivated to hop out of bed. It’s a nice transition before you get dressed to start your day. 

Put It Away — If you take something out to use it, when you are done, put it away. That seems super simple to say but it doesn’t always work that way. You may have to develop habits, but you can make it easier if you have the right storage solutions that aren’t difficult to implement. 

Take it Out — Every single day, get the kitchen trash bag and go around the other rooms to empty all the other trash buckets before you simply throw the kitchen trash out. This will create a habit that all your trash is gone at the end of each day.

Deal with Your Mail — Toss the things you don’t need to do anything to. File the things that need to be kept. Organize the bills in an orderly way so that you don’t forget to pay them on time. Set up an inbox so that you can put things you need to act on in the inbox to deal with if it’s something that will take longer than a moment.

Wipe Your Counters Daily — Before you go to bed, make it a habit to wipe down surfaces that have been used throughout the day. That way when you get up, you won’t have to do it again, unless you have cats. Then just wipe it down right before using to avoid wasting time, unless they are obviously dirty.

Clean Dishes & Sink Daily — One thing that also makes your home look and feel cluttered is a disorganized or dirty kitchen. It might seem like it’s okay to let the sink get full of dirty dishes but going to bed with that means you must wake up to that. Instead, load your dishwasher and run it each evening. 

When you do these six things each day you’re going to feel much less mental clutter and experience less physical clutter on a daily basis, which is going to make you much more productive. 

Here are my other previous blog posts of helpful tips for decluttering: Leverage Down Time, Create Habits to Get Things Done and Outsourcing.

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for December. Email assistrozjones@gmail.com for more info!

Visit http://www.rozjonesent.com for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

Two Weeks of Decluttering: Outsourcing

By Roz Jones

Even though you’re a caregiver, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Nor should you even attempt it. Once you come to understand how and why this is true, you can become so much more productive. Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day. However, only you can decide which tasks are the most important for you to do personally.

Other qualified people can take care of the remaining tasks for you, whether they are related to work needs, home needs, or your personal needs. Here are a few ideas many people need or prefer to outsource to someone else.

Deep Cleaning – You can hire someone a few times each year to deep clean your home. They could clean the floors, baseboards, and windows, etc. Doing this seasonally helps you to focus better because you don’t have to fight the clutter to get things done. You can usually get this done for a few hundred dollars a year, depending on your needs.  

Organizing – Some people will come into your Kitchen, for example, and arrange it properly for you. Your job after it’s done is to keep it organized. Since they are professionals, they likely know the best way that will make it easy for you to keep up.

Yard Work – A lot of families do outsource yard work. You can probably find people right in your own neighborhood that want to earn extra money doing yard work regularly. You can also hire a professional company depending on the results you are expecting and your budget.

Laundry – There are still laundromats and laundry services out there. Most dry cleaners will also do clothing washing, but laundromats are usually a less expensive alternative. They usually charge by the pound. You can even hire someone to come to your home to do your laundry.

Shopping – You can outsource most shopping tasks including grocery shopping. Depending on how organized you are, you may not need to make a list for your shopper. Your shopper will go through the store, selecting the items you requested and bring them to you. Get Alexa to help you make your list, if possible. You can save hours each week by outsourcing shopping and running errands.

Tutoring & Homework Help – Even though this seems like a good time to experience quality time with your kid, it’s not. You can get more done by letting someone else do this so that you can spend that free hour or two doing something fun with your kid instead. 

What is something around your home that you would outsource if you could afford it? Once you identify that, start finding ways to be able to pay for it within six months. You’ll be so happy when you outsource the things that don’t require your personal attention, fully.

Here’s the link for my previous posts about decluttering: Create Habits to Get Things Done and Leverage Down Time

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 23b18e9b-8961-427e-97bc-fe8016df3c3f.jpg

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

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It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for December. Email assistrozjones@gmail.com for more info!

Visit http://www.rozjonesent.com for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!

2 Weeks of Decluttering: Create Habits to Get Things Done

By Roz Jones

How many times have you woken up with incredible willpower and motivation to get things done but quickly hit a wall that stops you in your tracks? This is something that happens to everyone, but there is an easy fix. Create habits to get more done so that you never have to rely on willpower.

You already have good habits built into your day. For example, you get up, bathe, brush your teeth, get dressed, etc. You also have set routines scheduled for getting ready for work. All of the little tasks that you do, with little thought, are your habits. You may not realize it. However, these small habits kick in automatically to help you get 60 to 70% of things done during the day.

Start with The Clock

The first thing you need to do to create a habit is to use your clock as your guide. If you know that an activity takes you 2 hours, you’ll need to schedule the thing you want to remember to do with enough time to do it. At first, you’re just going to go do the thing when the alarm tells you to. 

Link Habits Together

If you already have a habit that you can alter a bit to make it healthier for you, that is also a good way to make a habit. For example, if you always like to eat snacks while watching TV, you have a habit. Likely, the moment you sit down to watch TV your brain says you’re hungry, so you must get the snack. You can now simply choose a healthy snack such as a couple sliced apples instead of a bag of gummies. 

Create One Habit At A Time

Don’t try to create a bunch of new habits at once. Take your time. Try to create one new good habit that keeps your life uncluttered no more than monthly. You may want to give it a couple months for each new habit to be ingrained. 

When you create habits, it’s so much better than needing to rely on willpower. When you build a habit, it will carry you through lots of things even when you don’t feel like it. You won’t even realize you’re still doing all those things that you turned into habits.

Take a look here at my last post about other helpful ways to declutter by leveraging your downtime.

I’ve just launched Shop With Roz, my online store filled with supplies and gifts for every caregiver. You can find a wide variety of products in the store to help yourself and your loved one. Check it out here!

After you have a look through the store, see any products you use and love as a caregiver, and think we should share them with everyone? Let me know!

It’s here, I am so excited to share a new caregiver app called CircleOf….This app will allow you to surround yourself with resources and experts from your community including ME!!!! As you are looking through the app, you will see my familiar face. I’m excited about this partnership and new ways to support you as you support your loved one. Here’s the link so you can explore the app. I would love your feedback and spread the word by sharing the link to family and friends.

Interested in making your own contribution to the Caregiver Cafe? There are guest blog spots open for December. Email assistrozjones@gmail.com for more info!

Visit http://www.rozjonesent.com for more information on addressing mental health as a caregiver and check out my upcoming book!